Formation 4 : Atelier de Buéa

Cet atelier avait pour but de former les agents CECI pour la région du Sud-ouest Cameroun.

Lieu : Institut de Théologie Jean Paul II de Buéa (Moliko)

Date : du 026, 27 et 28 avril 2010

Participants : 43 participants sélectionnés ont effectivement pris part aux travaux de Buéa (liste jointe).

Résultats : 43 agents ceci ont été formés et sont déployés

16 organisations de la Société Civile ont intégré la Dynamique des CECI (voir liste jointe)

Un Bureau régional CECI pour la Région du Sud-ouest a été élu (Liste Jointe)

Une déclaration de Buéa a été rendue publique (Copie ci-dessous)


Installment of the Citizen Independent Electoral Commission (CIEC)

Buéa, April 28th, 2010

South West step

Final resolution of Buea

“Considering law N°2006/011 of 29/12/2006 creating, organizing and to lay down functions of ELECAM,

Considering decree N° 2008/463 of 30/12/2008 appointing personnel to the ELECAM Board of ELECAM,

Considering the law on freedom of association;

Þ Acknowledge the imperative need of all Cameroonians to participate in the building of our Nation,

– The voter apathy that reigns in the country and the region in particular

– Evolution of electoral process leading to the creation of ELECAM indicating norm for more positive change

– The importance of pre-during and post-electoral peace and justice

– The shortcomings of the existing methods of observation

Þ Thanking the administrative and religious authorities of the Region especially those of the FAKO division and diocese of Buea for the authorization and provision of venue JOPASIT accepting to and co-organizing this training respectively,

– Thanking ELECAM through her bar member Prof Dorothy NJEUMA for open door policy and taking tile off her numerous duties to come and enlighten us on the role of ELECAM

We hereby, resolve:

To constitute and be committed as CIEC agents to various geographic representations through out the region,

To encourage all good initiatives in the advancement of democratization process by well defined cooperatives moves with other stake holders ELECAM being our principal partner,

To propagate the training have received here at regional, divisional district and councils levels,

To respect the code of conduct CIEC strictly and electoral laws of Cameroon,

To promote in general principles of democracy,

Mediate between the people and election’s organizers especially in terms of conflicts,

Not to wear any cap of responsibility or political alienation compromises the principles of CIEC e.g.: recruitment by ELECAM.”

Participants offer a big word of thanks to NDH and wished its members all that is good and great success in the other regions.

Final resolution committee:

Barrister ATEMKENG Elizabeth ESA


Mr. SHEY Aloysius SAH


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